About Us
Novin Ceram Yazd Company came into operation in 2011 using the most advanced and modern Italian machines and utilizing Iranian young scientists and experts under the supervision of Italian experts. The factory is founded in a 27 hectare land in Sefid-Kooh region of Yazd, with a 37000 square-meter infrastructure. The capability of company's modern machines and also the potency of experts in the product lines has made it possible for us to produce tiles with sizes ranging from 20*20 to 70*140.
Formulation of the products is based on optimum and proper use of the best internal and foreign raw materials; therefore, we provide best quality products of body, glaze, printing, and color.
At present, the company, gaining Iranian National Standard, Iso 14001 , 9001 , 18001 , BV , CE and QMS and also International Baltic Control Standard, confidently presents its products across the country and also in the international markets.
Using the most advanced digital tile printing and rectifying machines in Novin Ceram Factory, has made it possible for the company to produce tiles of various design, color, and size. And our agents can confidently answer all the needs of various tastes and choices in the consumer markets.
In the field of export, Novin Ceram Company, as the first investor in export markets, has introduced a new method of marketing and share in the export markets of Iranian ceramic. At present, the company exports to Persian Gulf countries (United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, and Oman) and 3 large countries neighbored in our east and west (Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan) and CIS countries as our northern neighbors (Turkmenistan, Tadzhikistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Georgia, and Russia), and besides, company's exports department has a resolute determination to put Eastern Europe and African markets in its top agenda.
Novin Ceram Development Plan:
Backed by great experience and knowledge of company owners in initiation of tile and ceramic factory, Novin Ceram has put porcelain development planon the agenda by the most advanced machines. Porcelain factory will provide modern polished and glazed porcelain ceramics to the market in 2016.
Today, Novin Ceram, with an eight-million square meter production range, which will increase to 16 million square-meters of ceramic and porcelain by the operation of the porcelain development plan, covers its massive distribution network in both internal and exports markets, and adds to the customers' satisfaction day by day.
We hope that both costumers' satisfaction and profiting of members of Novin Ceram's distribution network will be fulfilled under the daring macro plans of the company.